session description

Session list

Session 1 - Open session

Session 2 - The role of formal education in adaptation to climate change

Session 3 - From the social and soecietal impact of climate change to action and transition

Session 4 - Climate change and Health

Session 5 - Natural and cultural heritage in the face of climate change

Session 6 - Interactions between agroecosystems and climate change - opportunities, adaptation and mitigation - past and present dynamics

Session 7 - Continental water resources and climate change

Session 8 - Biomineralization and climate change(s)

Session 9 - Fires and global change: understanding past fire regimes to better predict future risks

Session 10 - Understanding climate dynamics on different time scales: from methodological development to palaeoenvironmental applications

Session 11 - Extreme climatic events and their Impacts at different time scales: Frequency, Intensity, and Processes

Session 12 - Climate tipping points: which ones, why, how?

Session 13 - Decadal to multi-centennial climate variability in the past and implications for climate prediction and climate services

Session 14 - Climate variability and carbon cycle over the Quaternary

Session 15 - The dynamics of climate change and interactions with the ecosystems and human societies in tropical and sub-tropical regions over the course of the Quaternary

Session 16 - Impact of climate change at high latitudes: consequences of thawing permafrost

Session 17 - Climate variability and the cryosphere in the Southern Hemisphere and Southern Ocean: is SAM really the driver?

Session 18 - Volcanoes and climate change

Session 19 - Interactions between climate, ocean et Earth’s surface at long (and short) timescales


Session description : Sessions description

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